Saturday, September 27, 2008
In all of it's 4 (or more) years of existence, this blog only has 48 pathetic posts.
So I'm here to update :D It's the eoy (read: mugging) period for most of us now so I doubt many of you will be reading this but anyway- good luck to all of you for those dreaded things! [: May they fail in their attempts to take away what we call our lives.
Tag Replies
yinxin: hahaha relax! I was kidding you :D
jess: haha neither have I! Or most of the gymmers too hahaha. mm thanks and how are you doing in wushu!
baoyi: HAHA i didn't say you were! I'll add you in.. sometime. When I'm not lazy (x
kat: uhh you didn't leave a link?
Mm I think training resumes in week 6 (?) so I'll see yall then.
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